Les objets suivant sont distribués avec tapemovie. Profitons-en pour en remercier les auteurs.
- aka.wirremote-b7 : object for painring a wiimote with bluetooth. (Masayuki Akamatsu - Hiroaki Kimura)
- boids_max_jitter_UB_1.1 : boids package for max/msp/jitter 051219
- Boids............................................. by eric singer
- boids2d, boids3d.................................. by jasch & andré sier
- jit.boids3d, jit.boids2d, xray.jit.boidsrender.... by wesley smith
- list-accum
- liste-interpolate
- OpenSoundControl
- OSC-bcf2000.js
- OSC-route
- OSC-unroute
- res-transform
- resonators~
- wacom
- dmxusbpro-1.3.5 : used to send or receive DMX512 data using the DMX USB Pro Interface from ENTTEC. (Olaf Matthes)
- dmxusbpro
- Gerhard Eckel - compat
- fbpe
- fenv
- fline
- gigaverb~1.0test5 : reverb external for Max/MSP (written by Olaf Matthes - GVerb implementation by Juhana Sadeharju)
- gigaverb~
- jasch_objects
- _
- createfolder
- fscopy
- LC+ xMAX4+5 examples : LanboX external for Max
- Lobjects_universal : Lobjects- Max objects. (Peter Elsea )
- LPStarterPackM-1.7.1 : Peter Castine
- lp.scampf
- lp.stacey
- MillerPuckett UB
- bonk~
- centroid~
- fiddle~
- paf~
- Percolate : PeRColate version 0.9b6 - (Dan Trueman and R. Luke DuBois)
- munger~